Are you an early fall decorator or wait tell it truly looks and feels like fall decorator? I have some friends and family that put all the fall things up as soon as it hits September 1. I’ve got others who wait tell mid September or later, and then I have others who jump right into Halloween. I love fall so I tend to decorate sooner than later, especially this year. I want to make sure all the things are done before our second little man gets here. But it usually takes me a few days to a week to get everything out and up because well mom life, businesses life, pregnant life. Everything just takes longer these days. But I am okay with that as long as I get my to do list done for the day then I am feeling really accomplished. This late summer session was giving me early fall looks too with its golden fields. And if you look really close you can start to see a glimmer of leaves changing colors in the background. There are a lot more colors in the mountains this week and its just going to get better and better over the next month. We’ve already started fall minis and sessions so busy season is in full swing. This year is going to be a stunner and I can’t wait to share all the things with you.

This beautiful family session was photographed by my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Emily.