One of the most common hesitations that I hear about getting family pictures taken, is from families with little kids. They are worried about their kids temperament during the session, cooperation, shyness, awkward smiles, basically all the things that might make for an unpleasant experience. They don’t want to spend all that time planning, getting ready, and paying for pictures that their kids aren’t going to behave for. Now as a mother first, I get it. Pictures can be really hard for some of our kids and ultimately life happens and they aren’t going to be the best behaved for a stranger, in a new setting every single time. But as a photographer I want to assure you that even if there are hiccups during a session, I have enough knowledge and experience to channel those hiccups into some really great photos. And a little bribery never hurt anyone either. One of the best things to do during a family session is to play with your kids. The candid everyday photos get  your children relaxed, gets some wiggles out, and helps your kids get comfortable enough with your photographer that we can snap some really good shots. So don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from getting family pictures taken. Children really do grow up so fast and you want to make sure that you’ve got hardcopies of memories for each and every stage they are in.

This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my talented associate Simply Shelby by Emily.