There’s nothing better than a sweet fresh from heaven newborn, expect for maybe two! Aren’t these two sweet girlies the absolute cutest things you ever did see. How lucky is this momma to have such light and joy in her home doubled? Newborns are a stage that is SO hard but one that I absolutely loved too. All the snuggles and cuddles, the babies breath, glorious baby smell and tiny baby sounds. I love it all. My sweet associate Sarah is my go to pro at all things newborn. She was the photographer for this session and did such a fantastic job working with both girls to get some amazing shots of them together. It takes a lot of work and skill to do newborn posed sessions. It really is a talent. I am so happy Sarah joined our team and has the knowledge and natural gift or working with newborns. Now if I can just come over and love on all the babies during their sessions that would be great. Give me all the babies!