Spring is right around the corner and that means baby animal minis. There is just something about spring that makes everything feel like a breath of fresh air. The snow is gone, the flowers start to come back, the leaves begin to grow, and a lot of baby animals are born in spring. Its almost like a fresh start with so much newness happening all at once and it just makes me really happy. Every spring we do flower blooms which are one of my most favorite sessions of the year, but some of my associates also offer baby animal minis and they are always so stinking cute. This spring we’ve got associates with baby cows, chicks, bunnies, puppies, ponies and I’m sure more that I’m forgetting. They have already started booking these sessions so you’ve got to jump on these sessions now if you are hoping to snag a spot. This adorable session was photographed by one of our resident experts when it comes to baby animals, Simply Shelby by Emily. She took these cute cowboys and cowgirl’s picture with the most adorable pony, and now I want one. But seriously so cute!! Don’t let spring baby animal minis get away from you. Make sure to check out which associates are offering each mini and get scheduled asap.