Getting to go back to my own almamater to take pictures of new graduates always makes my heart so happy. Being on campus brings floods of memories from the time that I spent there. So much has changed and continues to change over the years but there is still so many buildings and locations at Utah State that have a lot of meaning for me. So when my client asked me to come up and take some pictures for him and his graduation, I just couldn’t say no. Graduation is a big deal and represents so much hard work, determination, sacrifice, time, effort, and grit to get to this big day. And the culmination of so many years of dreaming about what life might be like after graduation. This looks different for different people and I love chatting with my clients about what they are looking forward to most post graduation day. Getting a tiny glimpse into their personal worlds brings be joy and knowing I got to be a tiny spec in this part of their chapter is an honor. Congrats to the class of 2024. I know you are going to do big things!