Schools back in session and the classic back to school photos are starting to come in. The hard part about school pictures is that you are not there to couch your kiddo through standing up straight, having a genuine smile, fixing their hair or outfit, making them take their jacket off or washing lunch off their face. So sometimes those school photos are…well maybe….not your favorite. So why put yourself through all that stress when you can do back to school photos where you have more control of how they turn out from the comfort of a photographer that you know. That’s what my sweet associate Liesel provided this year for her clients and I thought the idea was genius! She offered both indoor and outdoor options and I think they all turned out SO cute! So if your slightly cringing about how your kiddos school pictures turned out this year, then plan on scheduling your own sessions next year so you don’t have to slightly die inside when you see them turn up in their backpacks.