Did you have a photographer at your engagement? Someone there to capture all of your perfect and genuine reactions to the one you love? If you didn’t or want to have one, then this post is for you. We have our ways to make “stories” or sessions fit your surprise. That way your loved one doesn’t catch onto what you are planning. We make it fun, easy and relaxed so when the time is right we are they for every beautiful and sweet moment. And yet not in the way so that the two of you can be immersed in each other and your big moment. We can be there but also not be intrusive to keep the setting intimate between the couple. This is such a loving engagement that my cute associate Alex was the photographer for. I am so happy for this newly engaged couple. They are the sweetest and her reactions are priceless. Photos are the best keepsakes to have and share with friends and family. Congrats you two!