It has been the summer of extend family sessions and I am so here for it. Extended family sessions tend to be the ones that most families put off or because of differing family circumstances aren’t able to get a whole group picture taken often. The top three reasons I hear why extend family sessions are tricky are: (1) finding a time where everyone can get together; (2) agreeing on a color pallet; and (3) the challenge of taking pictures of such a large group of people aka families with LOTS of littles can be hard. And the reality of that is yes, all three of those challenges are very present some more than others. But I’ve got to tell you I’ve  never once had a family come up to me after the fact and say the the hard wasn’t worth it. Being able to capture your entire family all together once a year or even every couple of years is so important, especially to mom and dad. Being able to have one picture with everyone that they love in it is priceless. So the fact that so many families were able and willing to schedule extended family sessions this summer really makes my  heart so happy.