Summer is for extended family sessions. The sheer number of extended families that we have this summer is insane! And I am so happy that so many families are getting together to get extended family pictures taken. I know that extended family session can be a lot for a number of reasons. Timing being the biggest one that I see. That is why I love summer so much for these sessions. A lot of families will plan a session around a date or vacation time that has been set in stone for a year or two. So every single family has an ample amount of time to plan ahead, get time off work, rearrange schedules, let their kids coaches, teams, etc know that they will be out of town on xyz. It just makes it way easier to work around an advanced date when everyone can plan on it. Now also keep in mind when you have a specific date you have to give your photographer ample notice to see if they will even be available for said date, and if not you’ll need to be willing to pivot and possibly choose a different associate who is available. So the sooner you get on the schedule the better, especially if you are locked into a specific date or time frame.

This beautiful extended family session was photographed by my talented associate Simply Shelby by Kyle.