Family pictures are our biggest request for the fall season. As you can imagine we get a ton of questions about family sessions leading up to fall. Here are some of our most frequented questions and answers for those of you who are looking into later season sessions or want to save them for later reference:

              • Difference between a mini and a full?
                  • A mini session is typically a 15-20 min session that has a predetermined location. These sessions have a smaller allotment of edited photographs and are at a lower price point.
                  • A full session allows for a lot longer time frame. You get to have input in your session location and the allotment of edit photos is much higher. The price point is our standard session price.**
              • What should we wear?
                  • When it doubt I always recommend and neutral or earth tone color palate. It goes well with any season, any location, and any body.
                  • Pinterest has tones of color pallet ideas, search family photos color pallet, if you’re still struggling with ideas.
                  • Dresses are flattering everyone.
                  • Dress in different textures or layers to add another element to your photographs
                  • Smaller prints, solids and accessories go a long way
                  • Try to steer clear of bold prints or wording as it can be distracting
                  • Pull from one outfit if possible and coordinate everyone around that color pallet and not dress everyone in exactly the same thing
              • What if there is bad weather?
                  • Typically rescheduling sessions is not our go to for weather. If it is work able we will do our best to keep our scheduled day and just adjust the time or keep it as is. If is hazardous for either of us to be on the roads then we will of course reschedule.
              • How will we know where to meet you?
                  • The day of our session I will text out a pinned location to where the session will be held and then plan on meeting you there.

I know there are a million more questions that could be answered but these are typically some our most asked around family pictures. If you still are wondering about things never hesitate to reach out to me or the associate you have scheduled your session with. We love helping our clients and making them feel at ease. This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my sweet associate Brittnee.

**Price points are listed under each photographers name on my website**