If there is one thing that I have learned and teach my associates about being a family photographer is that every session is different, every family is different, and you never know how the kiddos are going to do. Younger kids are can be unpredictable at times. There are a lot of factors that can go into that but here are a few tips and tricks to try and get the best family photos with younger kiddos:

              • Schedule a session around nap time so your babe is as well rested as possible
              • Let them help pick out their outfit within the parameters of what you are going for
              • Make sure their outfit is one they are comfortable in and makes them feel their best
              • Bring snacks, snacks, and more snacks (less messy is best)
              • I’m all for bribes like a special treat or ice cream after the session
              • Have a favorite toy, stuffed animal, or blanket on hand if any cheering up is needed
              • Play during your session and do things you know will bring a smile to their face

If all else fails know that I have many years of experience working with families and know a thing or two working with young children. If you focus on me then I can focus on the kiddos and do my best to get some great shots. I have many clients who’s kiddos didn’t smile once throughout their entire session and the photographs still turned out amazing. Try out some of these tips and tricks at your next family session and I know it will be a great experience for everyone involved.

This stunning family session was captured by my dear associate Emily. She knows all of these tricks and tips and does wonders when working with small kiddos.