Family pictures can be tricky to navigate sometimes when you have younger children. There is a lot of unknowns that could pop up the day of your session. A lot of those things have to do with your childs temperament or situational surroundings. Do they feel comfortable in their outfit, did they have enough rest, are they hungry or need a snack, are they willing to cooperate or participate, will they hold still or smile etc. The thing that I love the most about family pictures is the idea that we get to meet the family where they are at in that small window of time that we might have with them. Are will able to recognize when the littles need a break or a treat or a game to lighten the mood. Do we need to let them run or play while still being able to capture beautiful moments with their family. I have had a gallery full of candid moments with families with younger kiddos and maybe one or to with them still and everyone looking at the camera. Letting your expectations be low going into a session really allows for some amazing outcomes. You’d be surprised at how many clients felt like the session was a complete disaster, but were over the moon with what pictures where actually captured of their family simply playing, running around, snuggling etc. There’s more to family pictures then sitting still and I am so happy that I get to be the one who helps those moments shine through.

This beautiful family session was photographed by my talented associate Simply Shelby by Kyle.

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