Is your hubby one of those who might be a little less excited or drags their feet a bit when told its time for family pictures again? Most hubbies I know do it because they love us and others are down for pictures multiple times of the year. But no matter which hubby you are married too remember it is important to get them taken despite the possible push back. That being said though, I’ve found that once they are there they love getting them taken. Seeing all their family all dolled up with smiles on their faces. It makes it all worth it in the end. Also if they have a favorite thing, like a Jeep maybe, then bring that along and it makes for the most personal and beautiful session. Just like Simply Shelby by Liesel’s clients. This hubby was super excited for family pictures because they included one of his favorite things along side his two favorite people. I love how these turned out and how personal and special they are for this family.