A new year and a new baby. Watching your baby grow through that first year of life is such a bag of mixed emotions. You are so excited to see them grow, develop, show their little personalities all while being sad that each new stage comes so fast and your missing your tiny baby. And with that comes a lot of personal preference too. For some that can’t wait to get out of the baby stage, so the faster they grow the better. But for me, man I love the baby stage. Its not all sunshine and roses but there is something so magical and special about having such a brand new tiny life in your home. I cherish that first year because its so dear and close to my heart. I love watching my boys grow but I do wish the baby stage would last a little longer. But having newborn photos to look back on is so helpful to keep those precious first months close. Simply Shelby by Brittnee was asked to take this lifestyle newborn session in her clients home and I think that it turned out absolutely perfect. Every little detail and moment that Brittnee capture was beautiful and ones I know that her clients will never want to forget.