Those who know me or have worked with me for awhile know how much I love lifestyle shoots. They are the purest form of family photos and I am always so excited when a client asks to do them. Mads and Brady are celebrating an anniversary and wanted to capture their love story from home. Lifestyle sessions are a way to take a look into your everyday love and in one of your favorites places. These photographs turned out so dreamy and the natural light from their windows was perfection.

Lifestyle shoots are exactly like they sound. It is a chance for me to come into your home or the studio, and capture moments in time that represent who you are and the life that you have created. When asked what to wear I always answer with what makes you feel the best, beautiful, comfortable and a great representation of who you are as a couple or family. Mads and Brady choose outfits that you can find them in daily at home and made them feel the best in their skin. I love the causal homie feel of everything and it was perfect for them.