Mothers Day is a few months away. And I know what you’re thinking. Why in the world are we talking about Mothers Day in January? But hear me out okay. Sessions book really quickly and myself and my associates will be opening up spring sessions here shortly. If you are not mentally thinking about what you want to get your wife, sister, own mother, yourself, etc for mothers day now, then when you realize what an amazing gift Mommy and Me pictures would be all of our spring sessions will have already been booked. So do you see where I am going with this. Start thinking about getting a Mommy and Me session for your loved ones or yourself know so that when we open up our spring sessions you can book right away and not have to worry about missing out. And if you’d rather give a gift certificate and let them choose when to do their session we can chat about how that works too. So start keeping an eye out on social media because spring sessions are going to sneak up on you if your not careful.

This adorable Mommy and Me session was photographed by my amazing associate Simply Shelby by Bailie.