Wow! Time flies doesn’t it. All my adorable seniors either graduated this past weekend or will be in these next few days. I am so excited for them and can’t wait to see what their future has in store. Every year I get so attached to my seniors after spending years watching them grow up and taking their pictures for all of their major milestones. It gets me in the feels every time. This stunning senior session was photographed by my cute associate Stella. Aren’t they just gorgeous? Senior sessions are such an amazing milestone to photograph for any senior and their family’s. It is a way to celebrate and commemorate all the hard work it took for everyone to get to this day. I am going to miss all of the senior sessions over the summer. But the best thing about the end of a school year is that another one starts in the fall. That means I get to capture the next group of seniors and I couldn’t be more excited. Cheers to the class of 2021!