A lot of the time a family session can be tricky when you have a lot of little kiddos to focus on in the family. But it can be equally tricky when there is a also a fur baby included too. This adorable family session had the most adorable couple with their fur baby Sieg. One of the biggest tips I can give when wanting to include your dogs during a family session is to bring treats or a toy that you know makes them happy. That way they get rewarded for all the holding and loving you will be doing on them, but it also gives them something to focus on by the camera. Then leave the rest up to me and don’t worry about what your fur baby is doing. I know that that sounds counter intuitive and can actually be really hard. But I promise the pictures turn out so much better when I have both parents looking and you let me worry about the fur babies. I can get their attention and snap a picture faster than having you get their attention and then try and get yourself ready. In that split second I might have missed my opportunity. So when your fur babies are involved focus on me and I promise we’ll get some amazing shots. Its a piece of cake really!