I love where I live and am so grateful to call it HOME. Being nestled up in Northern Utah, I am literally only 10 minuets away from the mountains. I sometimes forget how lucky I really am to have such beauty right outside my front door. When I take my morning walks with Winston, I find myself stopping and simply staring at the backdrop before me. It really is irresistible–the mountains in the fall!!!

Why do fall minis? Taking a look at all of my different sessions, it won’t be hard to see why.  There truly is something so beautiful about fall. It brings so many different types of scenery, colors, and amazing locations. There is something for everyone to fall in love with. The trees  and the mountains make me swoon.  Not to mention the outfits are simply the cutest in the fall.

Fall is the perfect time for mini sessions. Here’s a few reasons why:

  • For most families, fall brings the start of a new school year which includes new clothes and cute haircuts. It provides a perfect opportunity to show off your cute family and their new do’s.
  • Schedules are finally more routine. During summer adventures and the holiday parties and get togethers, everyone is constantly running around. It can make it hard for families to schedule things ahead of time. With established routines it’s much easier to find a time for family pictures.
  • Christmas is only two or three months away, which means Christmas card season is coming up before we know it. And everyone wants to get the perfect shot to send out to their family and friends.
  • Weather! Weather can often times be a deal breaker when it comes to outdoor photoshoots. Why not choose a season where you rarely have to worry about it. The weather in fall is PERFECT!!
  • Photographers know that lighting is SO important. Fall is the time of year that allows for that, oh so coveted “glowy light.”. It makes for more consistent and good lighting.
  • There are so many different locations to shoot from. Pumpkin patches, parks, mountains, trails, even the neighbors ranch. We can always find a beautiful location for any family setting.
  • The backdrops available to shoot in the fall are by far my favorite. The fall scenery is so complimentary for many different color schemes, which makes it fun to choose outfits too.

If you live anywhere in Utah, make sure to get on the schedule next year for fall minis!