One of my most favorite sessions to photograph is lifestyle newborn sessions. There is just something so intimate and beautiful about photographing a new bundle of joy in their own environment surrounded by those who love them the most. It makes it so much easier on my clients as I get to come to them and photograph them in the place that makes them the most comfortable. This stunning lifestyle session was photographed in Baby Kaycee’s home in Idaho. The natural light and huge windows in their home was perfection. Every room we walked into had the best lighting I could have wished for. It made for the most light and airy photographs and I seriously had a hard time stopping myself from shooting all the photos. If you are wanting lifestyle newborn sessions but your  home isn’t equipped with the best lighting we can always shoot a lifestyle session at a studio that is set up to look like a home to get that in home lifestyle feel. We will be able to make sure you get the session you were wishing and hoping for. We have many options to make sure we get the session of your dreams.