I LOVE Fall. It is one of my most favorite times of the year. If I could bottle up September through November and repeat it all year long, I would. I love the colorful leaves, pumpkin patches, cozy sweater weather, and of course the yummy treats! Fall is also the perfect time for family photos. The colors are perfect, fall outfits are so adorable and my personal favorite the “glowy light”. It’s every photographers dream!

I love capturing family sessions. They feel so natural and real! It is a chance for me as a photographer to memorialize the most sincere and loving moments between family members. Group shots are one of my favorites to shoot. We get to have so much fun and just play.

I love to sneak in single photos if I can too. It is a great way to regroup squirrely kiddos. It makes them feel special when its their turn to shine. I love being able to capture their own individual personalities.  And look at these boys! I mean hello ovaries!!