Families come in all shapes and sizes, combinations and change frequently. I’m often asked by couples who have been married for less than a year or have been married for a few years but haven’t added other family members whether that’s due to choice, circumstances or timing, if its worth getting your pictures taken just the two of you. I’m sure you can guess my answer, but just incase you’re not sure, the answer will always be one hundred percent yes. You want to remember your family where it is yearly no matter if its just the two of you. Garrett and I had some amazing years just the two of us and I cherish those times and memories with him every day. Even if your family doesn’t look how you imagined it to be at this point in your life, it doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate and love where you are today with your significant other. So never let circumstances or appearance or some other reason hold you back from taking those family pictures. I promise they are worth it to look back on  and remember your life and loved ones how they are now verses wishing you had pictures from years past.

This beautiful fall couples session was photographed by my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Stella.