Someone once asked me the hardest age to photograph and I had to sit back and think about it for a second. Each age has their own challenges and quirks that require different strategies or tricks to get them to put their best foot forward. If you had to make me choose I’d say that 1-3 years old is the hardest ages, but they are also the some of the funnest too. As long as you come prepared and go with the flow of their temperament then the session will go amazing. Some kiddos need a little more time to warm up to you, perfect we’ll shoot mom and dad or the older siblings first. Some might need to run around and play to get their wiggles out, no problem we can shoot some beautiful candid photographs at the beginning. Some kiddos might never cooperate and you know what, that’s totally okay too. What I’ve learned over the many years of being a photographer is that parents need to come into a session with their expectations as low as possible. So then they will be pleasantly surprised and so happy with how it turned out. More times that not, my younger clients are so good and we can get a lot of beautiful shots. And even when they are not having the best day, I know how to work the camera so that we can still get some really good pictures. And if nothing else, the pictures will remind you of that particular chapter in your life and how your little had a “stage” of stranger danger, or the one time they wouldn’t even smile etc. They are memories to be made and memories to be looked back on. That’s one of my favorite reasons for starting my own photography business.

This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my sweet associate Simply Shelby by Stella.