Sometimes at the beginning of a new year it can feel overwhelming with all the resolutions, goals, year “words”, and constant social media reminding  us all of the things we have to accomplish this coming year. I know for me it can seem like a never ending bombardment of must dos and it feel like to much at times. One of the things that I have learned over the years is to block out the background noise around me and focus on what matters most. Now that’ll look different for everyone and that is the beauty of it. If we decide to focus on what’s most important to us, instead of making 1000 goals for the year we will be able to ultimately find joy in the newness of the new year. Keep it simple, focus on what’s most important, and don’t let the background noise knock you off your sanity stool. Enjoy your new year and do what makes you ultimately the happiest. This adorable family session was photographed by my sweet associate McKayla.