Fall sports are already gearing up for the season, even though its literally 100 degrees outside, but I digress. August is right around the corner and typically when fall seasons begin for a majority of sports. There’s a lot that goes into sports, teams, groups and activities that are kids participate in. Work on their part and work on ours as well. And sometimes that hard work can be a lot or overwhelming or lacking in maybe a little bit of fun. One way that I personally know how to add fun into anything is taking pictures. And Simply Shelby by Kyle has the most fun action sports photography sessions that he offers. These sessions can be for individuals, small groups, or whole teams. Whatever floats your boat, he has the know how to make it work and look amazing. These two stellar athletes did individual photo sessions and I absolutely love how they turned out. The lighting, the smoke, the color scheme all of it just worked out to perfection. So if your looking to sprinkle a little extra fun into this fall season, make sure to reach out to Kyle and see what sports action sessions he is offering in the coming months.