School is back in session. And with a new school year brings another round of school pictures. Now don’t get me wrong, school pictures can produce some really adorable pictures, but they can also lend themselves to some not so great ones too. I know from talking with some friends that it can be really frustrating to pay for school pictures and then receive pictures that might not show off your child’s best self. There are so many variables that come with not being at the school with your child. You don’t know if you kiddios smiling or crying. Did they just eat lunch and have food on their face or just have recess and might be a little disheveled haha If you are one who doesn’t want to mess with the gamble that school pictures can sometimes bring, then getting back to school pictures taken on your own time is such a great investment. This year my cute associate Simply Shelby by Liesel held a super fun back to school event at my studio in Brigham City. She offered back to school sessions plus some other fun activities for the kids. This is just a quick  snapshot of some of the pictures that she took during her event. So if this is something that you are looking for, make sure you don’t miss out on it next year. Because these all turned out so stinking good!