The sweetest couples session, in the Poppy fields, that Simply Shelby by Hannah took earlier this summer. She had the best time with these two and ran around the fields with them all night. Sometimes clients will say they don’t need a family session done because its just the two of them at home. Or they still have their engagements or wedding photos from 2-3 years ago. But just because its the two of you doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve to have your family pictures updated yearly. Families look different and are constantly changing even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Getting a family picture taken at least once a year allows for you to see the growth and change that happens even if you aren’t necessarily adding new members every year. But you’ll be able to look back and see growth in jobs, finances, spirituality, friendships, love, friends etc. It might not be a visual representation of growth to the naked eye but for you and your significant other, it will be a subtle reminder of what that year was for your family.