It seems like yesterday that we were running through the fall leaves and taking family sessions every night for weeks. I look back at these fall sessions my associates and I took this past fall and it makes my heart so happy. We literally burnt the midnight oil to get as many clients in as humanly possible and it was one of the best fall seasons we’ve had at the Simply Shelby team. Every associate had clients and it made me so proud that their small businesses are thriving. They are making it work for their families, around their schedules and taking on as much or as little as they each individually can sustain. Isn’t that how life is though sometimes? We keep working and trying our best with all that life throws at us. We have chapters of momentum and also slower quiet times where we need to slow down or take some time to work through the hard. But the best part is that we get to determine how we live our lives and choose how to react and navigate the slower or harder times. And just like seasons there is change and growth and we come out better for all the work we put in. Keep working hard and putting in the work when its needed or possible. The outcomes are always beautiful and worth it, even if we can’t see it quiet yet.

This beautiful fall family session was photographed by my talented associate Simply Shelby by Danielle.