There’s nothing quiet like welcoming a new member to the family. There are so many mixed emotions from newborn life, to postpartum, to work  and family balance, to siblings and meeting their own needs etc It can be a lot sometimes so when I can make your life any easier in those first few weeks of welcoming a new baby to the family, I am all about it. That is one of the many reasons I love lifestyle newborn sessions. I get to come to you and take away one less stressor when your wanting to do a newborn session. You get to stay in your own home, have all of the things you need and love, your other kids are in an environment that is comfortable to them and you don’t have to pack up the whole house for a one hour photo shoot. Its a win win for everyone. This stunning lifestyle newborn session was no exception. Adeline’s adorable sisters couldn’t help but love on their baby sister and it was so adorable to watch. Mom and dad sure make some pretty cute little ladies. I can’t wait to watch these girls grow and see their relationship flourish even more.