California is getting another amazing human to go and serve with in their beautiful state. This Elder has been called to serve in California and him and his family couldn’t be more excited. When the Gulbranson’s called I felt so honored to be asked to not only take their family photos but also their sons missionary session as well. This post is only their missionary son, but their family photos are just as stunning as these are. The temple grounds were so beautiful the night we went to shoot his session. All of the flowers, green trees and golden evening lighting made for the best night. Walking around talking with his Elder was a joy and something I love about photography. Making those personal connections with my clients makes a session that much easier and more comfortable for everyone that is in front of the camera. I might have to share their family photos soon. We’ll see where the next few weeks take me. But in the meantime scroll through this post to see how beautiful this night truly was.

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