There is nothing more delicious then a brand new baby. There is just something so magical about a babe straight from heaven. Not to mention that new baby smell. Mmm I seriously could bottle that stuff up and sell it for millions. But if there is one thing that I don’t love about the newborn stage, it’s how incredibly fast they change. They are changing day by day and it seems like you close your eyes and they have already grown so much. For those clients who want newborn sessions, I always encourage you to try and schedule your session 5-14 days after your babe is born. You want to make sure that you have enough time to recover from delivery but also that your babe is still holding onto their freshly born look too. Our expert newborn associates name is McKayla. She has such a talent for working with newborns and knows the best ways to photograph them. This newborn session was captured by McKayla and they are truly something special.