For most of Utah spring season for sports, dance, cheer etc has officially wrapped up. A lot of those teams have or will be holding auditions and tryouts for the next school  year and its a mixed bag of excitement and sadness when it comes to loosing teammates, switching teams, changing a focus etc But I am so happy that Simply Shelby by Kyle was able to pull out all the stops for some of these amazing athletes this past spring. It was a great way to highlight their passions and cement some memories for a bunch of kids. Kyle had a great turn out and an awesome mix of sports. I wasn’t even able to showcase all the sports sessions he did because there wasn’t enough room in this one post. But I was able to help out with a few of the shoots and let me tell you, they were freaking fun. The kids were all studs and up for all the shenanigan’s that Kyle through at them. I can’t wait for more teams and athletes to see what Kyle can offer because these are amazing!