Summer means family sessions, so many family sessions. I would say it is equally as busy as fall or a really close second when it comes to family sessions. We get so many request for the summer months for a myriad of reasons. But one of my favorites is for all the gorgeous greens and wild flowers that we get to shoot in. The variety of locations that Utah has to offer makes it so fun to shoot in the summer time. I can do multiple sessions in the same day and go to different locations each time and each and everyone of them will look completely different. It makes things interesting and I love switching it up depending on the clients personal preferences. Not every family wants the same backdrop or have different esthetics that they want in their home. So finding locations that fit their needs and wants is always fun for me. This summer family session was a dream and I loved running through the wildflowers with them. It was a gorgeous spot and one that I’ll revisit frequently.