Give me a curly head baby any day! Look at his curls..Ahh. They are so stinking cute. I know they always say you wish for what you don’t have, but man. If I could get curls like that on any given day I might be inclined to switch. Speaking of switching, I was having a conversation the other day with a dear friend of mine about how I don’t take “old school” photos and wondered when the switch to a more modern look was. I didn’t quite know what she meant at first but once we got talking it all made sense what she was trying to point out. Let me take you down memory lane…

Thinking back on family photos when I was a kid I can remember sitting in front of a photographer giving us instructions. Hold your hand here, tilt your head this way, you stand to the left, you sit in the front, hold still, don’t move, freeze, and so much more. Photos were very posed and rigid in feeling. There was no movement or interaction between family members. It was a hold your breath moment and hope for the best.

I don’t honestly know if there was a specific switch in the look of family photography per say. It was more of a gradual realization of what’s the most important to capture with in the culture of today. The new “modern” look is to have more free feeling photographs. Families are laughing, not looking, playing together and sharing memories with their families. I am all here for this more modern feel. I want you to interact, play and have fun while we are in a session. Those snapshots in your life are the ones that are so real and memorable. Its how you see yourselves everyday.

So cheers to less posing, less rigid stances, and more variety in family photography!!