Its officially the last day of November and fall feels like its really done. We still might have a few fall feeling days here in Utah, but as we roll into December those warmer days seem to be far and few between. While I am so sad to see fall go, it just might literally be my favorite season of all, I am also looking forward to the winter and Christmas season. There are so many fun memories to be made together as a family and I look forward to creating all of them with my boys. One thing that I’ve learned being away in Idaho for Garretts medical school, is how important it is creating memories with in my own four walls. I don’t have any extended family or associates super close to me so creating those memories and traditions with just my small little family hits a little bit differently. It really puts family into perspective for me, and editing all my family sessions helps remind me how special our time is together. I hope this holiday season is filled with family, memories, and quality time together.