A lot of time pictures are taken because of a special occasion. Maybe you’re graduating from high school, having a birthday, newly engaged, getting married, pregnant or just had a baby. All of these reasons are such a wonderful reason to schedule a session. But pictures can also be taken for no particular reason at all. Maybe you take family pictures once a year to capture your growing family. And I hear couples all the time say, well we don’t have kids yet, or our kids are all grown and can’t get together tell next year etc. I want you to know that you can take pictures with your spouse or significant other just because. Just because you want to, just because you love each other, just because it is fun, just because you want pictures of just the two of you together. You don’t need a special occasions, or big celebration in order to take pictures just the two of you. My sweet associate Simply Shelby by Kaila took this amazing couples pictures and I love all of them. You can see their personalities and love shine through each and every frame. I don’t know who wouldn’t want pictures like that. Beautiful work Kaila.