There are a few simple things that to me are an indication that fall is on its way. Some of those are cooler mornings and evenings, earlier sunsets, hints of color in the mountain leaves, and sunflowers. Sunflowers to me are one of the sure signs that summer is on its way out and fall is gearing up for its grand entrance. So every time I get to do sunflower sessions I get so excited for fall. Not only are sunflowers beautiful but they provide some really stunning backdrops to work with. There are so many different ways you can shoot in the sunflower fields and it makes for really fun and creative finished photos. I was lucky enough to work with this adorable family last month. Their girls were seriously the absolute best and we had so much fun running around the row and rows of sunflowers. Its one of my favorite locations every year and I am so happy that I was able to squeeze some time in again. Sunflowers next year anyone? I’m already looking forward to it!!