A beach side extended family session in the summer…yes please! It’s as wonderful as it sounds. Everyone is getting together for summer reunions and family vacations which means its the perfect time to get extended family pictures taken. Yes, I know that summer is technically over, however, I also know that vacations with this many members are typically planed a year or two in advance. So while you’ve already got your dates set, why not put family photos on the itinerary for next summer. Its the best way to hit two birds with one stone. I know from personal experience that it can be very hard to get everyone together, so picking a day that everyone is already planning on makes it a whole lot easier. Let everyone know that’s what your planning so they can keep it in the back of their minds and maybe even mentally prepare if needed. But all jokes aside, make the time to get your whole family together and capture those memories every few years. This fun beach side session was photographed by my sweet associate Danielle Fox.