One of my favorite things about family sessions is seeing the differences all families have. Families come in all different shapes, sizes, and chapters of life. I’ve found its easier for families with young kids to plan on family sessions every year but those with kids who are grown and maybe moved out or married have a harder time getting together. Now obviously its so much easier to get pictures when everyone still lives under the same roof and you have full control of days and times that will work for your family. Once there are multiple house holds it makes it a lot harder for everyone to get together. With that being said your babies will always be your babies no matter how grown or far away they go. Make it a priority to get everyone together for family sessions at least every few years if not more. You’ll want pictures with your kiddos through every stage of life. I promise its worth the possible stress of finding a perfect day to make it work for everyone. To get all your kiddos together and capturing those babies of yours who just might not be babies anymore is priceless.