Nothing makes me more happy then to see my associates thriving in their businesses and producing such amazing work. This stunning family session was captured by my adorable associate Mishae. Mishae takes so much pride in her work and truly strives to put her best foot forward. She knows how to work well with young kiddos and can always capture them in their most true self. These three sisters have the cutest smiles and I loved looking through each photo of them. You can just see the love shinning through the lens. Family sessions are such a beautiful way to capture stills of your family in an ever busy moving day to day life. Looking back on these moments is so worth the effort it takes to get everyone ready and to the session. Never hesitate to get your family photos taken. There might not seem like there is a perfect time to take them, but I promise that the time is always perfect no matter what life throws at you. You’ll never regret capturing memories of your family.