The long wet winter made for a really late start to spring, but I’ll tell you what. The mountains are showing off this summer because of all the rain and snow that we got. The wildflowers this year are stunning. They are all so vibrant and as far as the eye can see. Some years the wildflowers are so scarce that you literally have to go scouting to find an area that has a few that would look good for a session. But this year that’s a totally different story. You can basically drive up any canyon and find a field of gorgeous wildflowers. I have been loving all of it!! And my kind associate Simply Shelby by Emily had the exact same idea when asked to shoot this adorable girlies baptism session. She found the most beautiful field of yellow wildflowers that was the perfect fit for her sweet client. This whole session is seriously so precious and fits this adorable girls personality. Give me all the mountain wildflower sessions because man they are all so stinking good this year!