I can’t believe I am already having sessions with all of my seniors. They are beginning to finish up the last half of their senior year and getting ready for all things graduation. As tremendously slow this past year went, I feel like this school year is flying by all at the same time. Jazmin and I where chatting during her session about how different this school  year has been and how surprisingly its made it that much more special. Things have been hard and challenging, and yet there have been so many creative and memorable  experiences because of it all too. Its been so inspiring to see how all of my seniors are handling this abnormal year and rising to the challenge with such positivity and grace. I am so happy for all of my 2021 seniors. I can’t wait to share all of your amazing goodness with the world.

Jazmin was a dream to work with. She had such a positive attitude and a bright light during her senior session. Jazmin was so easy going and her smile radiated through the lens. Look how gorgeous the backdrops were for this photo shoot. I love finding hidden gems so close to home. Taking full advantage of what Utah has to offer is one of the best perks of my job!