Those who know me know that one of my happy places is the Oregon Coast. I am a frequent visitor and love to shoot photographs whenever I am there too. On my most recent trip I was asked by this adorable Momma if I would capture her and her sweet kiddos while I was in town. I jumped at the opportunity and I am happy with how amazing they all turned out. I could honestly have posted all 100 but I resisted that urge and am only sharing a few.

There is something so magical about the ease and comfort family pictures provide. It can be intimidating sometimes when a client says yeah just me and my 4-30+ family members. But what I have come to learn is that if you provide them the comfort of home and ask them to just be themselves, then the session changes from intimidation to pure joy for everyone. I always tell my clients to wear what makes them feel their best, bring a happy and positive attitude, and show off their love. I will ultimately do the rest and make sure your family session is given the best and most positive experience and outcome I can provide.