I have found that for those who choose motherhood, that the process of growing, adopting, fostering, surrogacy or however motherhood comes into your home, is a mixed bag of amazing and hard. Everyone has their own journey to motherhood and no ones stories are ever 100% identical. But what I have found is that women sometimes try to hide the hard because its not always glamorous or is to painful to share. But sharing our own experiences makes us actually closer to those around us. It helps us find other women in similar situations or brings new friends into your life who are going through the same things. Motherhood isn’t meant to be walked through alone. It can be a really hard processes to get a child into your life sometimes and then once you are a mother it brings a whole other bag of amazing and hard. But being a mother for me has been one of my greatest callings in life. All of the hard is totally worth it every time. And for those who are still waiting and longing for your chance, know that you are not alone and we support you where you are at always.

This beautiful maternity session was photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Hannah.