This extended family session was so much fun! Everyone was so nice and all the kiddos did such a great job. We were able to fly through all of the wanted groupings because everyone was so easy going. We got amazing shots in just a few takes. I was so impressed with all of their littles and how well they behaved. Sometimes extended family photos can be rough for our little loves, but these kiddos were champs. I didn’t need to pull out any of my usual tactics or tricks to get them to smile or laugh. They made it a breeze. And the photos turned out  SO  GOOD!

One thing I love about extended family sessions is looking at the joy in the Grandparents eyes. They get to see their own kids and grandkids all together and nothing makes them happier. I always have clients comment how special the photos are too them. They love having their postdentary to share and show off. And with the year like we had they never want to take time and memories together for granted.