One of my favorite things about being a photographer is that I get to make and create session using my background knowledge, creativity and clients. I’ve mastered the first two, while constantly still learning, and am always in awe with what my clients bring to the table. It never ceases to amaze me how personal and sentimental some of our sessions go. While editing this beautiful maternity session that my adorable associate Mishae photographed, I couldn’t help but want to highlight the subtle but very meaningful props this couple brought with them. The men and women who serve in the military will always hold a special place in my heart. I have members in my own family who served. Seeing how its impacted and changed their lives helps me remember all the sacrifices they give and gave to our country and ultimately me and my little family. So when I saw this momma and dad brought dog tags and a uniform bow I couldn’t help but get a tad teary eyed. What a beautiful and meaningful way to make your session your own. I just loved it! Thank you to those who serve, will serve and did serve. You truly are our hero’s.