For most of Utah graduation has officially come and gone for the 2023-2024 school year. We had such an amazing grad season this year at Simply Shelby Photography. So many amazing seniors in high school as well as college graduates. We even had a couple preschool and kindergarten grads that I thought was such a fun idea to shoot. Photography allows us to capture so many big moments or celebration in our lives and I think that it is so important that we take the time to highlight those chapters in our life story. Sometimes adding another thing on our to do list can feel overwhelming or just another task to get done. But if I had a quarter for ever time I had a client tell me the wished that they had a session for xy or z but didn’t take the time to fit it in, I’d be rich. Those are times in your life that you can’t go back and rewind too. You want to have photos to go with the memories so that you can share those big days, moments, or celebrations with the ones you love over and over again.