The emotions that I go through on a wedding day are a whole bag of mixed ones. I start off so excited and giddy getting to capture all of the pre wedding bliss and preparations. Then the ceremony starts. I start to get nervous as I’m taking pictures of  the wedding party walking down the aisle and the groom waiting anxiously for his bride. Then the bride and her dad, or escort, start walking….que the water works. It gets me every time. To see the way her dad and groom look at the bride as she comes to meet her soon to be husband feels me with so many happy tears. I might sob right through the vows and I do’s. Then once they kiss and cheer the giddiness and excitement returns and were ready for the rest of the wedding day and reception. Every wedding is a full circle moment for me and I think that’s one reason I love weddings. It reminds me of the love between Garrett and I and I’m filled with so much love and joy for all my clients and their futures to come.