One of my favorite families is on the blog today. I have known this sweet momma forever and her boys have a special place in my heart. I love when I get to photograph new clients, returning clients, and especially those clients that have turned family, coworkers, and friends. Its so amazing what this small business has done to my life. It literally has changed it for the better. Without photography I honestly am not sure what I would be doing. This has been my life calling and I honestly feel like I was meant to be where I am and what I am doing today. As the new year is approaching faster than I would like to believe, I do have some big and amazing goals in mind for 2023. One of which is opening my own photography studio. This has been something in the works for awhile now and I am so dang excited that its all coming to fruition next year. Can’t wait to share more about it with you and all the amazingness that its going to have. Stay tuned!!