Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I can hardly believe that its already here. This month has flown by. But because tomorrow is the day of thanks I want to share another part of my life that I am very thankful for. For those of you who know me or have been following along on my small business journey know how much blood, sweat and tears have gone into making my business where it is today. There were a lot of restless nights and long hours putting work into every avenue of what I do. I am still putting in the same work if not more still today. But one of the best parts of my job, that I am so proud of, is my associate program. I could never in a million years have wished for a better group of women to work with. I don’t know where I would be today without each and every one of them. They aren’t just my associates, but they literally are my sisters and best friends. I am so grateful for how hard they work,  their sisterly bond, and for bringing their own ideas and personality to the Simply Shelby Team. We are who we are because of each of them. I sincerely love each and every one of them. Yay for all my mushiness and now enjoy this stunning fall family session I was able to photograph while I was in Utah last month.